[ Tour de France - L'art du Bain - Nantes Marrakech ]

"L'Art du Bain" is a journey.
From Nantes to Marrakech, perfumes and spices, ideas and love soar. The story of this beautiful couple made by the sympathetic Elsa and Youssef allows the production of the wonderful soaps by L'Art du Bain. Do you live near Nantes? Go and meet them to discover their products and take your mind and your senses to Morocco! Take the opportunity to discover the dynamic Nantes and its rich historical heritage by surveying its districts; and travel through the Pays de la Loire, from Guérande to Sables d'Olonnes, to Angers. Scoop: The jewelry soaps that you see here in the photo are for sale on our eshop.
✨Direct link "DESIGNERS > L'ART DU BAIN" ✨
Photo credit : Product © #garancecassien / Nantes© Guilhem Vellut (Photo coupée) / Marrakeck © Christine und Hagen Graf / Portrait © L'Art du Bain
#madeinfrance #fabricationfrancaise #buylesschoosewell #choisirmoinschoisirmieux #creationfrancaise #piecesuniques #nosregionsontdutalent #TousAvecNosArtisans #nantes #paysdelaloiretourisme #savon #soap #lartdubain