[ Tour de France - Lucy Luce - Marseille ]

Another place with multiple "villages", still in the PACA region: Marseille!
The Mediterranean city par excellence to admire under the sun from "La Maison du Fada" by Le Corbusier to the small fishing port "La Vallée des Auffes".
A city that invites you to travel, as the jewellery of Lucy Luce. Bracelets and earrings or rings invite those who wear them to dream, remember or imagine ... A poetic world in a made in France imaginary universe.
You will find some of these items in stock on our eshop.
✨Direct link "DESIGNERS > LUCY LUCE" ✨
Photo credit © #garancecassien / Portrait-Marseille © Lucie Luce
#madeinfrance #fabricationfrancaise #buylesschoosewell #choisirmoinschoisirmieux #creationfrancaise #piecesuniques #nosregionsontdutalent #TousAvecNosArtisans #marseille #lucylucebijoux #fetedesmeres #paca #provencealpescotedazur