[ Tour de France - Garance Archer - Murol ]

Today, let's go to Murol, in the heart of France, in Puy-de-Dôme, where a brand new designer is waiting for us: Garance Archer! After studying at the "Haute École de Joaillerie" in Paris, she returned to her native land: Sancy. It is in this natural, preserved and authentic setting that she draws her inspiration. Her creativity and artistic education do the rest!
Another opportunity, therefore, to take a breath of fresh air in the land of Auvergne volcanoes, and to enjoy the heritage and generous gastronomy of the region.
Available on our site, you will find a pair of earrings specially designed for GARANCE CASSIEN. Do not hesitate to visit the other jewellery on her site or nip to her workshop!
Photo credit © #garancearcher
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